Daniele Cosmo and Dominik Faber are the men behind Lux Rec. Since 2010, the record label based in Zurich has been uncompromisingly exploring all the shades of the underground, never wanting to resurface, not for a single breath. Lux Rec is a great exemple of art direction, combining acidic, obscure and intense electronic music with minimalist design in the truly fine tradition of Swiss style. Many international artists feature in the catalogue like mythical Swedish trio Frak, rising techno star Helena Hauff, R-A-G, Traxx, D’Marc Cantu, Visonia, Juanpablo & Sneaker, or Gavin Russom. The label also highlights local producers like Echo 106 and Contra Communem Opinionem (CCO). Daniele Cosmo is also part of Savage Grounds, the analog techno outfit shared with CCO. As big Italo fans, we used to follow the duo Cosmo & Faber back in the 00s for their numerous obscure italo mixes. This exclusive mix for LYO is far different, with only the romantic mood remaining through the wave parts. Expect some EBM, industrial, sleazy acid and raw techno reflecting what is Lux Rec.